Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach BERLIN
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- Ein Dokumentmehr
Germany Attracts Another Billion-Euro Pharma Project
Berlin (ots) - French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has confirmed it will invest 1.3 billion euros to expand insulin production in the western German city of Frankfurt am Main. Sanofi says the expansion will encompass around 36,000 square meters – the equivalent of five football fields – on the company’s existing BioCampus site. It will go operational in 2029. The project is being supported by the German national ...
mehrsennder signs agreement to acquire C.H. Robinson’s European Surface Transportation operations, combining revenue to EUR 1.4bn
mehrPMG Presse-Monitor GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas Gericke-von Skotnicki becomes managing director of PMG Presse-Monitor subsidiary X-CAGO
mehrGBP Monitor: Despite the Supply Chain Act, Financial Factors Dominate the Selection of Business Relationships – Sustainability Takes a Backseat
GBP Monitor: Despite the Supply Chain Act, Financial Factors Dominate the Selection of Business Relationships – Sustainability Takes a Backseat For companies, proven criteria such as price, the reliability of payment terms or the length of the business relationship continue to play the most important role when ...
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Ottobock embraces digital technologies for the 2024 Paralympics I Invitation to digital workshop tours
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH
IPCEI: Hydrogenious LOHC receives multi-million grant for Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube
mehrVirchow Foundation for Global Health
2Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström awarded the Virchow Prize 2024
mehrFriedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Naumann Foundation opens Human Rights Hub in Geneva / German Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Buschmann: "The brave need support."
Geneva (ots) - On July 10, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom officially opens its Human Rights Hub in Geneva. The Human Rights Hub will be a hub for the promotion of freedom and human rights worldwide. Journalists, lawyers, activists - many are committed to the universal defense of human rights. In doing ...
mehrPM: Neues Postgesetz schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht weiterhin die flächendeckende Postversorgung – hat aber auch Schwächen / PR: New postal law creates clarity and ensures the continuation of nationwide postal services – but also reveals weaknesses
2 DokumentemehrPolitical uncertainty consumes France as country prepares for run-off vote
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French elections expose social discord bubbling beneath the surface, says report
Next UK government must address 'long-term scars' of Brexit and austerity – study
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Study identifies 'urgent need' for wholesale reform to halt living standards decline in the UK
mehr German Environmental Protection Sector Records Impressive Growth
Berlin (ots) - Germany’s Federal Statistical Office says that 2022 turnover in goods and services in the sector reached 107.5 billion euros – an annual increase of 16.9 percent. Environmental protection is big business in Europe’s largest economy. And it’s grower bigger by the year, as the government figures show. The largest share of the nearly 108 billion euros of turnover in the sector came in climate ...
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
3Daniel Schöningh elected as new chairman of the dpa supervisory board - David Brandstätter steps down from the board
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
3dpa group continues on growth path in 2023 financial year - 75 years of independent agency journalism
mehr- 2
The highlight of the year on the high seas: Mein Schiff 7 is christened in the Kiel Fjord
BVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
BVR: Council of the EU’s decision on CMDI acknowledges institutional protection but improvements are still needed
Berlin (ots) - The Council of the European Union (EU) has today decided on its general approach regarding the European Commission’s proposed legislation for amending the crisis management and deposit insurance framework (CMDI review). The Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) [National ...
mehrOECD Deems Germany “Global Leader” in Artificial Intelligence
Berlin (ots) - In a new report, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development found that Germany was a world-class environment for AI and pointed out room for further development and growth. The OECD study “Artificial Intelligence Review of Germany” praised Europe’s largest economy for showing “vision” and “leadership” in becoming one of the ...
mehrGermany Leads Europe, Second in World in EV Production
Berlin (ots) - The German automotive industry association VDA says that 995,000 purely electric vehicles rolled off German assembly lines in 2023. All told, some 1.27 million purely electric (BEV) and hybrid (PHEV) vehicles were made in Germany in 2023, the second highest number in the world behind China. China dominates global EV production, but the vast majority of its cars are sold domestically. By contrast 76 percent ...
mehrSchertz Bergmann Rechtsanwälte
PRESSRELEASE Alexander Zverev
Berlin (ots) - As lawyers for Alexander Zverev, we declare on behalf of our client that the criminal proceedings under file number 250 Cs 184/23 have been dropped: The criminal proceedings against Alexander Zverev were dropped and the case was terminated today by the court with the consent of the public prosecutor's office, Ms. Brenda Patea as joint plaintiff and Alexander Zverev's defence lawyer. The penalty order is now groundless. Alexander Zverev has agreed to this ...
mehrGermany Sets Quarterly Record for Renewable Energy Generation
Berlin (ots) - European largest economy generated and fed into the national grid 121.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in the first quarter of 2024. Renewables accounted for 58.4 percent of all electricity produced in Germany in the first three months of this year. That is more than for any quarter since statistics of this sort began to be collected in 2018. The 121.5 billion kilowatt hours represented an annual ...
mehrInstone Group: Annual General Meeting approves dividend payout of EUR 0.33 per share; first project acquisitions in two years
Ein Dokumentmehr
Researchers: The future of democracy is on the ballot in Europe
mehr- 3
Europe's future threatened beyond far-right surge, says new report
mehr CIVIS Media Prize 2024 | eight programmes honoured
Berlin (ots) - The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2024 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the social media format STRG_F: Israel and Gaza: Life between terror and war (NDR | funk) by authors Manuel Biallas, Armin Ghassim, Lisa Hagen, Mariam Noori, Timo Robben, Sulaiman Tadmory. The film depicts the fate of two young people ...
mehrNew report warns that eroding faith in democracy fuels Europe's far-right surge
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Germany's Finance Minister Christian Lindner meets eROCKIT at the Greentech Festival 2024
mehr Correction: International Law in the Face of Autocracy: Examining the UAE’s role
Brussels (ots) - Please note the correct date for the event: May 28 instead of March 28. --- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) portrays itself to the world as a progressive Arab state, but a closer look behind the glittering scenes of the Gulf state reveals sheer disregard for human rights and international law. British human rights lawyers Ben Keith and Rhys Davies from ...