European Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP)
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In future, standards and certifications will be decisive for the market viability of additive manufacturing
Users, legal representatives, insurers, testing experts and researchers will discuss directives for additive manufacturing in the new Standardization & EHS forum ...
Ein DokumentmehrDeutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
Energy Efficiency Award 2019: Applications now possible
Berlin (ots) - Private and public sector companies can apply in four categories / Submit competition entries online by 30 June 2019 / A total of EUR 30,000 in prize money The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) - the German Energy Agency - is seeking successful projects that measurably reduce companies' energy consumption and emissions that have an impact on the climate. The focus of the internationally advertised award is on ...
mehrDEKRA launches Trust Center initiative / Offensive for More Digital Safety
Stuttgart (ots) - The global expert organization DEKRA has made a successful start to 2019. In the first quarter, revenue increased by almost 5% to more than EUR 800 million. The company considers itself on course for growth for the 16th year running, and is expecting annual growth of between 4 and 6%. Highlights of the first few months of the financial year include ...
mehrWho has liability in the additive-manufacturing chain?
Legal forum at Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D explores the legal aspects of industrial 3D printing processes We will send you an up-to-date press release on Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D, which will take place on June 25-27, 2019. We would be very happy to have coverage in your ...
Ein Dokumentmehr- 2
Berlin collector Torsten Broehan convicted to pay EUR 6.5 millions
Choosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30
Choosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30 The report of the joint study between the University of Mannheim and Beyond Philanthropy "Choosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30" is now available in English. Germany's largest companies face the challenges of corporate volunteering in very different ...
mehrBack-to-the-future retail banking: New paths to greater profitability in European retail banking
mehrBAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Hannover Messe 2019: Quality assurance for offshore wind turbines
mehrBAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
BAM at the Hannover Messe: Quality assessment using computed tomography
mehrBAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Hannover Messe 2019: BAM conducts research on 3D-printed concrete components
mehrBAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
BAM at the Hannover Messe: BAM develops integrated test method for complex components
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
BAM at the Hannover Messe: Detecting defects with thermography during the additive manufacturing process
mehrHannover Messe: German Bionic presents first robot exoskeleton for the Industrial IoT
Tokyo, Japan (ots) - - Technology leader presents the third generation of the successful Cray X model - German Bionic IO cloud platform connects exoskeletons with the Smart Factory and enables AI functionality Robotics specialist German Bionic presents the first connected robot exoskeleton for use in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), at the Hannover Messe. The ...
mehrBAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
BAM at the Hannover Messe: Innovative research for safety in additive manufacturing
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on extension of Brexit deadline: The suspense continues
Berlin (ots) - In response to the decision by the European Council, BDI chief executive Joachim Lang says: "The suspense continues" - "The suspense continues. The extension of the deadline means that the agonizing uncertainty for business goes on. Our companies need clarity. And for this, the British government must conclude the Brexit process as quickly as possible. - The EU has once again stretched out its hand to the ...
mehrHannover Messe: German Bionic presents first robot exoskeleton for the Industrial IoT
mehrEANS-News: AGRANA opens new fruit preparations plant in Changzhou (China) - IMAGEöffnung_Changzhou.jpgöffnung_Changzhou2.jpg issuer: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1 A-1020 Wien phone: +43-1-21137-0 FAX: +43-1-21137-12926 mail: WWW: ISIN: AT000AGRANA3 indexes: WBI stockmarkets: Wien, ...
Siemens Financial Services GmbH
Siemens Financial Services invests in Greenko Group's 200 MW Poovani Wind Power Project
mehr- 2
Made in Germany: Deutsche Hospitality presents complete relaunch of its luxury brand Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts
mehr - 2
a&o hostels 2018: Five million overnight stays and 2.2 million guests
Ein Dokumentmehr Game of Thrones is 2018's most popular series in the UK / Goldmedia publishes an annual ranking of the most popular series on paid streaming platforms in the UK
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
Federation of German Industries (BDI): "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore"
Berlin (ots) - - London should stop the Brexit process, if no majority can be found - Companies are preparing for no-deal Brexit - EU needs to keep on track "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore. All the options are on the table. It would be absurd for the United Kingdom to slide into a hard Brexit in four weeks' time, one that even the majority in ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
Salt could be a key factor in allergic immune reactions like atopic dermatitis
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22731 - email: - web: This text on the web: Pictures: NEWS RELEASE Salt could be a key factor in allergic immune reactions Atopic dermatitis: elevated ...
Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
German chancellor Angela Merkel at the Digitising Europe Summit: "5G roll-out is important, but must also be physically feasible"
Berlin (ots) - German chancellor Angela Merkel has promoted a rapid but realistic expansion of fast Internet infrastructure. At the Digitising Europe Summit organised by the Vodafone Institute, she said: "In the 5G discussion, everyone is saying that this is a good time to put all kinds of things into it, especially ...
mehrSchultze & Braun GmbH & Co. KG
Search for investors for insolvent Jünger Audio GmbH ends successfully
Ein DokumentmehrCall for Entries: International Competition "beyond bauhaus - prototyping the future"
Berlin (ots) - To mark the centennial anniversary of the Bauhaus, in 2019, "Germany - Land of Ideas" is seeking visionary design concepts / Apply online by 31 March 2019, at The international competition "beyond bauhaus - prototyping the future" will award prizes to twenty groundbreaking design concepts that address relevant social issues and ...
mehrNOAH Picks TravelPerk to Offer Industry-Leading Travel to Attendees
Berlin (ots) - Attendees of Europe's No.1 internet conference to get stress-free, premium travel experiences to go with their extensive networking opportunities Today TravelPerk (, the leading business travel booking and management platform, and NOAH Conference (, Europe's top conference for Internet companies ... launches German retirement solutions in English language
Berlin (ots) - is now offering all of its products and services in English. This is the first time that comprehensive information on the German retirement system is available in English. breaks down the - sometimes complex - German pension system with the unique where users can get an overview of their pension gap, existing retirement ...
mehrEANS-News: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG / BIOFACH 2019 in Nuremberg: Discover AGRANA with all your senses
issuer: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1 A-1020 Wien phone: +43-1-21137-0 FAX: +43-1-21137-12926 mail: WWW: ISIN: AT000AGRANA3 indexes: WBI stockmarkets: Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Wien language: English ...