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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Event Highlights Leipzig 2025
Ein DokumentmehrRENK & Leonardo sign a strategic Memorandum of Understanding
RENK & Leonardo sign a strategic Memorandum of Understanding - Focus on technological cooperation in terms of existing and new solutions in the field of land defence systems - Exploit the synergies and experiences aimed at developing a European industrial and technological collaborative approach in the field of tracked vehicle platforms - Create a roadmap ...
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release: 4D_Additive Software Update with new Functionalities for SLM Metal Printing
Ein DokumentmehrPress release: Aurubis investing € 40 million in more independent and efficient production in Lünen
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release: HP Texture Library meets 4D_Additive Software
Ein Dokumentmehr
RENK America to Exploit Hybrid Transmission Technology from QinetiQ through Capability Partnership
RENK America to Exploit Hybrid Transmission Technology from QinetiQ through Capability Partnership Washington D.C., October 15, 2024 – RENK Group AG, a leading supplier of military and civilian propulsion solutions, recently announced a capability ...
Ein DokumentmehrPress release: Aurubis and Talga partner to develop first-of-its-kind process for battery-grade recycled graphite
Ein DokumentmehrLAMILUX wins the PLUS X Award
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Fundació Puigvert validates a new tool capable of selecting the most suitable antibiotic for uncomplicated urinary tract infections within 45 minutes.
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Record financing rounds at the Munich biotech hub
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Press Release - hubergroup is Cradle to Cradle certified for the fourth time in a row
Ein Dokumentmehr
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Leipzig’s Festival of Lights Commemorates 35 Years of Peaceful Revolution
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Salzburg is Calling - Hotel zum Hirschen, Salzburg/Austria – a place where history and modernity merge in a fascinating way
2 Dokumentemehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
5Colditz Castle Comes to Life with New Augmented Reality Exhibition
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CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
Ein Dokumentmehr Press Release: Conversion of CAD models with PMI
Ein DokumentmehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Press Information: 80th anniversary on 2 August 2024 - European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti
80th anniversary on 2 August 2024 European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti The children, ill and elderly people had no chance of survival: On the night of 2 August 1944, 4,300 Roma and Sinti were forced into the gas chambers and murdered by ...
Ein Dokumentmehr
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Four Hours in Leipzig – Sights of the City Centre
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Koehler Paper premium recycled paper used in Stefan Szczesny’s “Sailing #Art4GlobalGoals” art project
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Ein Dokumentmehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Sustainability in Leipzig’s Conference Hotels
Ein Dokumentmehr3D Pioneers Challenge 2024 Finalists have been announced
Ein DokumentmehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Congress Centres in Leipzig
Ein Dokumentmehr
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
5300 Years of St John Passion Performed by Bach in Leipzig
Ein DokumentmehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6New 360° Panorama “The Cathedral of Monet” at the Panometer Leipzig
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GEA launches new live product monitoring sensor system for homogenizers
2 Dokumentemehr PM: Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld / PR: Resilient business model: DHL Group achieves annual targets for 2023 in a weak global economic environment
Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz mit 81,8 Mrd. Euro und EBIT mit 6,3 Mrd. Euro deutlich über Vor-Pandemie-Niveau - Free Cashflow ohne Akquisitionen ...
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IntercityHotel Bawshar Muscat opens its doors
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PM: Spatenstich für neue DHL Global Forwarding Luftfrachthalle in der CargoCity Süd am Flughafen Frankfurt / PR: Groundbreaking for new DHL Global Forwarding air freight center at Frankfurt Airport
2 Dokumentemehr