Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach NRW


21 Treffer
  • 23.05.2013 – 08:14


    Helaba gets off to a good start in 2013 financial year

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Operating revenues at previous year's level - Integration of S-Group Bank NRW making progress - Cautiously optimistic for 2013 financial year Helaba, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, achieved group-wide earnings before taxes of EUR 163 million in the first quarter of 2013, compared to EUR 220 million in the same period of the ...

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  • 28.11.2012 – 08:40


    Helaba reports significant growth in earnings for first three quarters

    Frankfurt am Main/Erfurt (ots) - - Helaba CEO anticipates annual results will be slightly above previous year - S-Group Bank NRW enjoys good start with balanced result - Central bank function for savings banks in four federal states strengthens Helaba's position With group-wide earnings before taxes of ...

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