Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Pohl
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PM: DHL Supply Chain nutzt generative KI zur Verbesserung von Datenmanagement, Kundensupport und Angebotsgenauigkeit / PR: DHL Supply Chain implements Generative AI to enhance data management, customer support and proposal accuracy
mehrPM: DHL erweitert sein Angebot an Kontraktlogistikdienstleistungen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach spezialisierten End-to-End-Supply-Chain-Services gerecht zu werden / PR: DHL expands contract logistics portfo
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PM: DHL Supply Chain setzt Zusammenarbeit mit Volkswagen Slowakei fort / PR: DHL Supply Chain continues its partnership with Volkswagen Slovakia
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Nathalie Pohl is the first German woman to conquer the Ocean's Seven / Standout athlete celebrates sensational success in the North Channel
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Nathalie Pohl is the first German woman to conquer the Ocean's Seven / Standout athlete celebrates sensational success in the North Channel
PM: Vitesco Technologies und DHL schließen strategische Partnerschaft / PR: Vitesco Technologies and DHL enter into strategic partnership
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
6Greif-Velox strengthens its presence in the Eastern European market
mehrPM: Neue Unternehmensrichtlinie für umweltfreundlichen Transport schafft globalen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard für die Flotte von DHL Supply Chain / PR: DHL Supply Chain introduces Green Transport Policy to set a global sustainability standard for its tra
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PM: DHL Supply Chain und Roboterhersteller AutoStore™ bauen Partnerschaft zur weltweiten Automatisierung von Warenlagern weiter aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain and robotics technology company AutoStore™ announce partnership expansion to further
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PM: Logistik für e-Commerce – DHL Fulfillment Netzwerk schafft Platz für weitere Kunden mit neuem Lager in Euskirchen / PR: Logistics for e-commerce – DHL Fulfillment Network creates capacity for more customers with new warehouse in Euskirchen
mehr GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Sustainable Bagging of Carbon Black for the Electromobility Revolution
Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
“It is our duty and responsibility to remember“ / European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma 2023
2 DokumentemehrOne lap of the island of Jersey in an exceptional time / Another record for extreme swimmer Nathalie Pohl
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2SAFEDyVac: Perfect bagging results thanks to perfectly coordinated containers and lines
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PM: DHL Supply Chain Global im Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ für Third-Party-Logistics als weltweit führend eingestuft / PR: DHL Supply Chain Global a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide
2 Dokumentemehr - 2
Nathalie Pohl is the first German woman to cross New Zealand's Cook Strait / Extreme swimmer braves the forces of nature
mehr GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2Greif-Velox ValvoCare with Greif-Velox smartValvoCut: Breakthrough technology delivers 100% safe and clean bagging of ultra-light and toxic powders
GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
3Innovation “Greif-Velox VeloVac XL”: Safe and clean bagging of ultra-light powders in FIBCs
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Forty-seven kilometers in the Pacific at night / Nathalie Pohl the First German Woman to Complete the Kaiwi Channel
mehr GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2"Smart industry" developments at Greif-Velox: Process optimization thanks to intelligent networks
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
5Greif-Velox ValvoDetect: Innovative system ensures precise powder filling, clean pallets
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
For about one third pandemic provokes a new perception of country life
Berlin (ots) - • More than half of all urbanites could imagine moving to the countryside – in contrast, the majority of rural residents want to stay where they live. • This is a main finding of the Vodafone Institute’s Digitising Europe Pulse, a citizen survey, conducted by Kantar in 15 European countries. • For about one third the pandemic provokes a new ...
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
3Greif-Velox Strengthens its Presence in the Asian Market with Distribution Partner ILLIES
Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Covid-19: Majority of Europeans sees negative long-term consequences
Berlin (ots) - - According to a new survey from the Vodafone Institute, conducted by Kantar, from a sample of over 15,000 citizens across 15 European countries, two out of three Europeans agree that the corona crisis will limit their quality of life in the long run (61%). - Citizens' personal economic situation has only gotten worse – indicators like loss of savings ...
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2Clearer, more international, even closer to the customer: the new website for Greif-Velox
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Climate change: Majority in the EU sees digitisation as part of the solution
Berlin (ots) - - Vodafone Institute's poll "Digitising Europe Pulse": More than half (54%) of the Europeans state that digital technology can play a big role to solve the problems of climate change. - 65% say that tackling climate change is an overarching issue for citizens, politics and businesses. - 72% are willing to bear higher costs if necessary. - Big majority ...
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
German Packaging Company Greif-Velox Launches American Subsidiary
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2Greif-Velox Maschinenfabrik GmbH has received the ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Resilience in COVID-19 times: People in Portugal and Germany see themselves well prepared in comparison to other EU countries
Berlin (ots) - - Vodafone Institute poll "Digitising Europe Pulse" across 13 EU member states - People across Europe feel that they are well equipped digitally at home to meet current challenges. Best scores in Germany and Portugal - The majority of EU citizens consider measures of the Federal Government on COVID-19 ...