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Plant Protector: How plants strengthen their light-harvesting membranes against environmental stress
mehr Patent nullification proceedings of Avonisys against Synova at the Swiss Federal Patent Court
mehrFraunhofer promotes Solar-powered Smart Homes - meet us at the Intersolar B2.354
Kaiserslautern (ots) - Electricity rates rise every year, continuously. At the same time, photovoltaic feed-in tariffs are on the decrease inexorably. Using solar energy right where and when it is generated becomes even more interesting. We present solutions for boosting on-site consumption of PV power which benefits both the customer and the grid. Meet us at our booth ...
mehrFraunhofer ITWM pioneers open energy management
Kaiserslautern (ots) - Fraunhofer ITWM already provides the technology needed for tomorrow's smart grid. The expansion of renewable energies is characterized by de-centralized energy generation and storage. When plenty of consumers turn to prosumers that also produce energy, intelligent energy management solutions are needed. Featuring the open energy management platform mySmartGrid and an upcoming yield forcast ...
mehrOpen Source Smart Grid Solutions powered by Fraunhofer ITWM
Kaiserslautern/Munich (ots) - The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics provides flexible building blocks for energy information systems - ranging from smart metering components to PV self-consumption optimization combined with home automation systems. Most components are available under a liberal open source license and can easily be adopted to meet customer needs. The Fraunhofer HexaBus is an IPv6-ready home ...