ots Ad hoc-Service: caatoosee AG <DE0006178353>caatoosee Joins Leading Asian Software Group
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caatoosee Joins Leading Asian Software Group
caatoosee ag will acquire a majority stake in the Sigma Group, Indonesia's leading IT solutions provider. The Executive Board of caatoosee ag and the Board of Directors of the Indonesian PT Sigma Cipta Caraka today signed an agreement to this effect in Jakarta.
The agreement stipulates that caatoosee ag will acquire a 54.84% stake in PT Sigma Cipta Caraka, the holding company of the Indonesian Sigma Group. It also entitles caatoosee ag to acquire additional shares in PT Sigma Cipta Caraka in the future.
The Sigma software group was founded in 1987 as a specialist for IT solutions in the banking and finance sectors and soon evolved into one of Indonesia's leading IT solution providers. Today, the Sigma group of companies has competencies in the areas of ASP services, access providing, IT outsourcing, and infrastructure services. Its customers include companies like Microsoft and Oracle. In the past business year, the Sigma Group generated sales totaling USD 19 million. For the current business year, the group is projecting sales to grow to over USD 40 million, with EBIT expected to reach USD 7.5 million. To date, the Sigma Group has generated sales totaling some USD 10 million in fiscal 2001.
The transaction makes it possible for caatoosee to benefit from significant synergy effects in ASP-driven software development and marketing, caatoosee ag has now established a comprehensive presence in one of the world's largest growth markets. By Joining the Sigma Group, caatoosee is increasing its workforce to some 900 employees, most of them based in Europe and Asia.
More information:
caatoosse ag PT Sigma Cipta Caraka Martin Wenk Eddy Sugiri Panoramastrasse 11 GD. GERMAN CENTER Lt.5 70174 Stuttgart Jl. Kapt Subijanto Dj. Germany BumiSerpongPamai Tangerang 15321 Indonesia ph +49 (0) 711 / 2 22 88-240 fx +49 (0) 711 / 2 22 88-100 ph +62-816/1908669 martin.wenk@caatoosee.com fx +62-21 /538.8505 www.caatoosee.com eesugiri@indo.net.id www.sigma.co.id
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: caatoosee ag i.L., transmitted by news aktuell