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Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft

Commerzbank offers corporate customers electronic certificates for business-to-business

Frankfurt (ots)

Commerzbank is now also in a position to offer
its corporate customers certificates for safe B2B Internet
transactions. The certificates are issued under the name COMPROOF in
accordance with the Identrus standard. This makes Commerzbank the
sixth bank in the world to offer the internationally recognised and
respected standard as defined by the company IdentrusTM LLC,
domiciled in the US.
Corporate customers can now avail themselves of a service enabling
them to identify business partners in the Internet. The certificates,
stored on chip cards, permit the customer to give an electronic
signature, which means that transactions conducted electronically are
both safe and binding. The relevant communications are confidential,
verifiable and cannot be manipulated.
As Andreas de Maizière, the Commerzbank member of the board of
managing directors responsible for corporate banking, has stressed,
COMPROOF certificates enable companies to reduce significantly the
risks involved in B2B transactions. "Security plays a major role in
Commerzbank's Internet activities", says de Maizière, "and providing
support for the leading security infrastructure is a logical step for
us to take."
Commerzbank will soon be offering a number products providing the
additional security of COMPROOF certificates. The fields in which
these can be used will include Secure-E-mail, electronic bill
presentment and payment, as well as virtual market places. There will
also be browser-based financial software which uses COMPROOF
"Commerzbank's involvement is also important to Identrus", says
Identrus chief executive officer Guy S. Tallent. "The fact that a
major bank such as Commerzbank, strongly committed to the Internet,
has chosen to issue certificates in accordance with the Identrus
standard will help to strengthen the Identrus network and promote
business-to-business activities." 
Commerzbank AG
Corporate Communications-Press Relations
Tel. (069)  136-22830
Fax (069)  136-22008
60261 Frankfurt am Main

Original content of: Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft, transmitted by news aktuell

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