ots Ad hoc-Service: Easy Software AG <DE0005634000> EASY SOFTWARE in the 2000 business year: Group sales revenue increased by 57 percent; net income for the year grows by 33 percent
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, March 30, 2001 - (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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EASY SOFTWARE in the 2000 business year: Group sales revenue increased by 57 percent; net income for the year grows by 33 percent
In the 2000 business year, EASY SOFTWARE AG has increased its consolidated group sales by 57 percent, from EUR 25.7 million in the previous year to EUR 40.4 million. The net income for the year significantly increased as well - by 33.4 percent - notwithstanding high investments in growth to open up new markets and profitable fields. The DVFA/SG result shows an increase to EUR 3.2 million (1999; EUR 2.4 million). Accordingly, the earnings per share grew to EUR 0.62 (1999: EUR 0.47).
The core business of EASY SOFTWARE AG showed an especially satisfying trend of earnings. Compared to the overall DMS market, it achieved an above-average increase of software license sales by 40 percent to EUR 20.6 million. The EASY subsidiary ScanOptic GmbH, specializing in sales, service and maintenance of DMS peripherals, likewise managed to turn in higher-than-average profits.
Reflecting the company's past, current and expected future growth, the total number of employees significantly increased to 355 (1999: 215). Most staff was added in the sales, development and project management sectors.
For the current business year, the EASY group is planning sales revenues of EUR 51.1 million and earnings per share of EUR 0.90. These figures take into account that the scope of consolidation has been reduced compared to earlier estimates.
Group figures for the 2000 business year at a glance:
1999 2000 Change Sales revenue EUR 25.73 million EUR 40.42 million + 57 % Total turnover EUR 28.06 million EUR 45.07 million + 60 % Gross profit EUR 22.81 million EUR 36.32 million + 59 % EBIT (IAS) EUR 4.25 million EUR 4.29 million + 1 % Net income/ year DVFA EUR 2.41 million EUR 3.22 million + 33 % Earnings per share EUR 0.47 EUR 0.62 + 33 % # of employees (12/31) 215 355 + 65 % Balance sheet total EUR 33.19 million EUR 56.04 million + 69 %
WKN: 563400; Index: Listed: Neuer Markt in Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart
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Original content of: EASY SOFTWARE AG, transmitted by news aktuell