ots.Audio: BASF Podcast: The Chemical Reporter - Why does silver tarnish?

31.10.2007 – 11:44

Ludwigshafen (ots)

On special occasions we like to break out the silver ware. 
Unfortunately, sometimes it does not shine quite as festively as we 
would like and may even be completely tarnished. Find out what 
happened in the entertaining weekly episodes of our Chemical 
Reporter. He answers questions on Chemistry in our everyday life.
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Editorial contact:
For the UK:
BASF plc
Chris Wilson
Corporate Communications
Phone: +44-161-488-5616
Fax: +44-161-488-4133

For the US:
BASF Corporation
Betsy Arnone
Corporate Communications
Phone: +1 973 245-7865
Fax: +1 973 245-6714

For Germany/Europe:
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Rainer Mueller-Mueffelmann
Corporate Innovation Communications
Phone: +49 621 60-41040
Fax: +49 621 60-20548

Original content of: BASF SE, transmitted by news aktuell

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