Stories about Branchen
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PM: DHL eCommerce eröffnet hochmodernes Paketzentrum in Großbritannien zur Unterstützung des Wachstums im Onlinehandel / PR: DHL eCommerce opens state-of-the-art parcel hub in UK to support growth of online businesses
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PM: DHL 2-Mann-Handling erweitert E-Flotte für letzte Meile / PR: DHL 2-Mann-Handling Expands Electric Fleet for Last Mile Delivery
more PM: DHL eCommerce expandiert nach Saudi-Arabien durch Beteiligung an Paketlogistiker AJEX / PR: DHL eCommerce enters Saudi Arabian market by acquiring equity stake in parcel logistics company AJEX
2 DocumentsmorePM: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding zeigt Wege zur Schaffung resilienter globaler Lieferketten / PR: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding shows new ways to build resilient global supply chains
One documentmoreExpert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry
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PM: DHL erwirbt mit Inmar Supply Chain Solutions führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Retourenlogistik / PR: DHL Acquires Reverse Logistics Leader, Inmar Supply Chain Solutions
more Press release: Symbolic start of industrial heat feed-in to Hamburg city network
One documentmoreInstone Group concludes new revolving credit facility for EUR 100 million
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PM: DHL eCommerce und CTT Expresso bündeln ihre Kräfte, um führende Paketnetze für Iberische Halbinsel zu schaffen / PR: DHL eCommerce and CTT Expresso join forces to create leading parcel networks for Iberia
2 Documentsmore Obrist Anticipates a Pivotal Shift Towards "Liquid Solar Energy" in 2025
moreInfosys Collaborates with RheinEnergie to help Enterprises Drive their Energy Transition and Sustainability Agenda
Bengaluru, India (ots/PRNewswire) - Leveraging Infosys Cobalt and Infosys Topaz, the collaboration will help enterprises boost energy efficiency by up to 30–40% while meeting decarbonization goals Infosys (NSE: INFY), (BSE: INFY), (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, ...
PM: Katrin Suder soll Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende der Deutsche Post AG werden / PR: Deutsche Post AG: Katrin Suder to take over Supervisory Board Chair
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Cotton Farmers in Benin Benefit From Organic Cotton Cultivation
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PM: Die ungewöhnlichsten DHL-Lieferungen 2024 – ein besonderer Jahresrückblick des Weltmarktführers der Logistik / PR: The Most Unusual DHL Deliveries 2024 – A Special Year-End Review of the Global Market Leader in Logistics
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PM: Mit Rekordtempo in die 11. Saison: DHL integriert den Hochleistungs-Rennwagen GEN3 Evo in seine Logistik für die Formel E / PR: Accelerating into Season 11: DHL integrates the groundbreaking GEN3 Evo race car into its Formula E logistics
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PM: Nachhaltigkeit bleibt oberste Priorität: DHL Express veröffentlicht Global Sustainability Survey 2024 / PR: Sustainability remains top priority: DHL Express launches Global Sustainability Survey 2024
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PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland
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PM: DHL Express und Shell unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zur Förderung nachhaltiger Luftfracht am Flughafen Brüssel / PR: DHL Express and Shell sign deal to drive sustainable air freight at Brussels airport
Milan/Baku (ots) - - 55% of Azerbaijani respondents say that the energy transition is a priority, in line with European countries - 64% of Azerbaijani respondents (more than the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and India) and 53% in Kazakhstan (more than Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and China ...
moreSwedish Energy Giant to Invest Billions in Clean Energy Projects in Germany / Vattenfall commits over EUR five billion by 2028 to fossil-free energy production, e-mobility and related services in Europe's largest economy.
Berlin (ots) - Swedish energy company Vattenfall has announced an ambitious investment plan, pledging to invest more than EUR five billion by 2028 into renewable energy, e-mobility, and other sustainable solutions in Germany. "Germany is the fastest-growing market for renewable energy in Europe," said Vattenfall's ...
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DHL und Lindt & Sprüngli versüßen ihre Zusammenarbeit in der Seefracht mit Einsatz von nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen / DHL Global Forwarding and Lindt & Sprüngli sweeten the deal for the usage of waste- and residues-based maritime fuel for ocean freight
more PM: DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur / PR: DHL Group again posts significant revenue growth in the third quarter despite persistently muted macro dynamics
DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur - Konzernumsatz im dritten Quartal 2024 mit 20,6 Milliarden Euro um 6,2 Prozent über dem Vergleichszeitraum (Q3 2023: 19,4 Milliarden ...
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Press release - Responsible metal production: Aurubis honored with the 17th German Sustainability Award
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 – Driving Innovation in Sustainable Materials Management
One documentmore Obrist Group Licenses Key Patents for Sustainable Energy Solutions
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PR AbTF: Cotton made in Africa Supports the Development of West African Textile Production in Benin
One documentmore Rohde & Schwarz technology group closes fiscal year successfully in dynamic market environment
Munich (ots) - Rohde & Schwarz has closed the 2023/2024 fiscal year successfully in a market environment that remains highly dynamic. The company again achieved year-on-year increases in both revenue and incoming orders. With its three divisions Test & Measurement, Technology Systems and Networks & Cybersecurity, the group addressed the current challenges. The ...
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GEA launches new freeze dryer series for food application
One documentmore Bravura to build large-scale lithium processing plant in Germany to provide lithium hydroxide to German automotive OEMs and suppliers from 2027
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (ots) - - Leading African mining group Bravura, sister entity to Africa’s largest indigenous oil and gas producer AITEO, to build large scale lithium processing plant in Germany by 2027. - Final site location in Germany to be determined in early 2025. - Lithium hydroxide, an essential ...