Stories about Branchen
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PM: DHL eCommerce eröffnet hochmodernes Paketzentrum in Großbritannien zur Unterstützung des Wachstums im Onlinehandel / PR: DHL eCommerce opens state-of-the-art parcel hub in UK to support growth of online businesses
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL eCommerce expandiert nach Saudi-Arabien durch Beteiligung an Paketlogistiker AJEX / PR: DHL eCommerce enters Saudi Arabian market by acquiring equity stake in parcel logistics company AJEX
2 DocumentsmorePM: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding zeigt Wege zur Schaffung resilienter globaler Lieferketten / PR: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding shows new ways to build resilient global supply chains
One documentmorePress release: Symbolic start of industrial heat feed-in to Hamburg city network
One documentmoreInstone Group concludes new revolving credit facility for EUR 100 million
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PM: DHL eCommerce und CTT Expresso bündeln ihre Kräfte, um führende Paketnetze für Iberische Halbinsel zu schaffen / PR: DHL eCommerce and CTT Expresso join forces to create leading parcel networks for Iberia
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Cotton Farmers in Benin Benefit From Organic Cotton Cultivation
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PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur / PR: DHL Group again posts significant revenue growth in the third quarter despite persistently muted macro dynamics
DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur - Konzernumsatz im dritten Quartal 2024 mit 20,6 Milliarden Euro um 6,2 Prozent über dem Vergleichszeitraum (Q3 2023: 19,4 Milliarden ...
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Press release - Responsible metal production: Aurubis honored with the 17th German Sustainability Award
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 – Driving Innovation in Sustainable Materials Management
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PR AbTF: Cotton made in Africa Supports the Development of West African Textile Production in Benin
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GEA launches new freeze dryer series for food application
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PM: Was treibt social, sustainable und cross-border Shopper an / PR: What drives social, sustainable, and cross-border shoppers
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Press release: Aurubis and COFICAB renew multi-year contract and strengthen partnership for sustainability in the automotive supply chain
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GEA and Believer Meats join forces to scale up cultivated meat production
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PtX Development and KGAL sign contract for large-scale hydrogen project in Germany
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Press release: Aurubis and Talga partner to develop first-of-its-kind process for battery-grade recycled graphite
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Aid by Trade Foundation Joins International Alliance for Sustainable Cotton Production in Chad
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Press Release - hubergroup is Cradle to Cradle certified for the fourth time in a row
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PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions
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AbTF Publishes Independent Verification Results for Cotton made in Africa’s Standards
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GEA presents new thermoformer packaging machine at Fachpack
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PR | Aid by Trade Foundation Publishes Annual Report 2023: EUR 8.1 Million in Revenue to Increase Sustainability in Fibre and Textile Production
One documentmore PM: DHL Group trifft Markterwartungen im zweiten Quartal / PR: DHL Group meets market expectations in the second quarter
DHL Group trifft Markterwartungen im zweiten Quartal - Konzernumsatz im zweiten Quartal 2024 mit EUR 20,6 Milliarden Euro leicht über dem Vorjahresniveau (Q2 2023: 20,1 Milliarden Euro) - Operatives Ergebnis (EBIT) mit 1,35 Milliarden Euro wie ...
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PR AbTF: Boosting Gender Justice | Study Shows Impact by Cotton made in Africa
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Press release: Largest planned maintenance shutdown at Aurubis Hamburg plant successfully concluded
One documentmore PM: Neues Postgesetz schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht weiterhin die flächendeckende Postversorgung – hat aber auch Schwächen / PR: New postal law creates clarity and ensures the continuation of nationwide postal services – but also reveals weaknesses
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PM: Social Media Shopping auf dem Vormarsch: DHL gibt Einblicke in neuste Trends im E-Commerce / PR: Bracing for the social media shopping phenomenon: DHL on the latest trends in e-commerce
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