Stories about Branchen
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Press release: Aurubis and COFICAB renew multi-year contract and strengthen partnership for sustainability in the automotive supply chain
One documentmore PM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge als bester Arbeitgeber in Europa ausgezeichnet / PR: DHL Express named #1 Best Company to Work for in Europe for the fourth year in a row
morePM: Weltpostverein wird 150 Jahre alt und bekommt eigene Briefmarke / PR: Universal Postal Union celebrates its 150th anniversary and receives dedicated stamp in Germany
morePM: Thermo Fisher Scientific und DHL Express kooperieren bei Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen aus weltweitem Versand für klinische Forschung und fördern nachhaltige Lösungen für lebensverändernde Medikamente / PR: Thermo Fisher Scientific a
moreTaicang Day celebrates deepening China-Germany cooperation
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PM: DHL Supply Chain setzt Zusammenarbeit mit Volkswagen Slowakei fort / PR: DHL Supply Chain continues its partnership with Volkswagen Slovakia
more Sustainable Markets Initiative
New York (ots/PRNewswire) - - Split incentives occur when the landlords and building developers investing in energy efficiency upgrades do not directly benefit from their investment, though tenants enjoy lower energy costs. - The report by the SMI's Sustainable Buildings Transition Hub outlines challenges, solutions ...
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GEA and Believer Meats join forces to scale up cultivated meat production
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PtX Development and KGAL sign contract for large-scale hydrogen project in Germany
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PM: „Green Postal Day“: Weltweit haben die Postunternehmen ihren jährlichen CO2-Gesamtausstoß um fast 40 Prozent seit 2008 reduziert / PR: Green Postal Day: Postal companies worldwide have reduced their total annual CO2 emissions by nearly 40% since
more PM: DHL Express verdreifacht Versandkapazität am Flughafen Porto (Portugal) durch 25 Mio. Euro Investition / PR: DHL Express to triple its shipping capacity at Porto Airport (Portugal) with EUR 25M investment
DHL Express verdreifacht Versandkapazität am Flughafen Porto (Portugal) durch 25 Mio. Euro Investition - Investment unterstützt die wachsende Exportindustrie in den nördlichen und zentralen Regionen des Landes - Gleichzeitig bekräftigt DHL kontinuierliches Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit: GHG (Greenhouse ...
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LKW WALTER celebrates its 100th anniversary: A century of innovation and sustainability in the transport industry
more Press release: Aurubis and Talga partner to develop first-of-its-kind process for battery-grade recycled graphite
One documentmoreKoehler Group Commits to a Sustainable Future: Expansion of Renewable Energies in Scotland
moreObrist Group has passed triple due diligence
Obrist Group has passed triple due diligence - Frank Obrist's vision of green methanol as a universal source of energy for the world stands up to scrutiny by the engineering and consulting firm ILF Consulting Engineers, the patent and law firm ETL-IP and the auditing firm BDO. - Frank Obrist: “This paves the way for investors, as the large-scale conversion to renewable energies will only succeed if it is based on ...
moreA Future Without Fossil Fuels Is Within Reach - Koehler Group Publishes Third Sustainability Report
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Aid by Trade Foundation Joins International Alliance for Sustainable Cotton Production in Chad
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Press Release - hubergroup is Cradle to Cradle certified for the fourth time in a row
One documentmore PCC BakkiSilicon hf. receives ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification for critical raw material silicon / PCC subsidiary becomes first silicon producer to receive ISCC certification for carbon footprint
morePM: Rock-Legende Freddie Mercury bekommt eigene Briefmarke / PR: Rock legend Freddie Mercury receives his own Postage Stamp in Germany
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PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions
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AbTF Publishes Independent Verification Results for Cotton made in Africa’s Standards
One documentmore Koehler Group hits high revenue levels in 2023 financial year despite tough market conditions
Brose is one of the pioneers of sustainable transformation
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GEA presents new thermoformer packaging machine at Fachpack
One documentmore LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
LONGi appoints Ross Kent as UK and Ireland General Manager for DG business
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New corrugated sheetfeeder plant in Petersberg starts production
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PR | Aid by Trade Foundation Publishes Annual Report 2023: EUR 8.1 Million in Revenue to Increase Sustainability in Fibre and Textile Production
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