Stories about Branchen
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LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
LONGi appoints Ross Kent as UK and Ireland General Manager for DG business
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New corrugated sheetfeeder plant in Petersberg starts production
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PR | Aid by Trade Foundation Publishes Annual Report 2023: EUR 8.1 Million in Revenue to Increase Sustainability in Fibre and Textile Production
One documentmore Zollikofer Expands into France
PM: DHL Group trifft Markterwartungen im zweiten Quartal / PR: DHL Group meets market expectations in the second quarter
DHL Group trifft Markterwartungen im zweiten Quartal - Konzernumsatz im zweiten Quartal 2024 mit EUR 20,6 Milliarden Euro leicht über dem Vorjahresniveau (Q2 2023: 20,1 Milliarden Euro) - Operatives Ergebnis (EBIT) mit 1,35 Milliarden Euro wie ...
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PM: DHL verlängert Partnerschaft mit Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG bis 2053 / PR: DHL extends partnership with Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG until 2053
more Austrian Innerio Group acquires automotive supplier ESTRA Europe
Kottingbrunn, Austria (ots) - - Expansion of expertise, competences, product and customer portfolio in line with growth strategy The Austrian automotive supplier Innerio, based in Kottingbrunn, Lower Austria, is acquiring the automotive supplier ESTRA Europe from the Chinese technology group Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical as part of a share deal.ESTRA Europe generates an annual turnover of around 160 ...
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PR AbTF: Boosting Gender Justice | Study Shows Impact by Cotton made in Africa
One documentmore Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Life cycle assessment for energy-efficient and climate-friendly optics production
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PM: DHL Express investiert mehr als 40 Millionen Euro in den Bau eines europäischen Flugzeugwartungshangars am spanischen Flughafen Vitoria / PR: DHL Express invests more than EUR 40 million to build European aircraft maintenance hangar at Vitoria Ai
Press release: Enduring commitment - Progroup publishes Sustainability Report 2023
morePM: DHL und Envision treiben gemeinsam nachhaltige Logistik- und Energieinnovationen voran / PR: DHL and Envision team up for sustainable innovations in logistics and energy
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PM: Expressversand und Zusatzdienstleistungen versprechen Boutique-Erlebnis / PR: Premium delivery bridges online and in-boutique experience
more Thuringian Minister-President Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) Visits Koehler Paper at its Greiz mill
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Press release: Largest planned maintenance shutdown at Aurubis Hamburg plant successfully concluded
One documentmore nShift: The customer experience is more powerful than advertising, say consumers
London (ots/PRNewswire) - New guide shows how bringing delivery management and the post-purchase experience together can fuel customer loyalty and business growth Almost two-thirds of consumers confess that a positive brand experience is more likely to win them over than great advertising.[1] In a world where the online retail space is growing increasingly crowded, ...
Revolutionary Partnership Announced: How Wandarra and PAPACKS® Aim to Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste in Australia
morePM: Neues Postgesetz schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht weiterhin die flächendeckende Postversorgung – hat aber auch Schwächen / PR: New postal law creates clarity and ensures the continuation of nationwide postal services – but also reveals weaknesses
2 DocumentsmoreNTT DATA Business Solutions AG
Latest Trend Study: Innovative Technologies are changing SAP© Application Management / Companies expect cost savings of up to 30 percent through AI
Bielefeld, Germany (ots) - - Increasing complexity of the IT landscape makes seamless integration and communication between SAP and non-SAP applications a central concern for respondents. - Cloud is the trend: Over 70 percent of the surveyed companies opt for the latest version of SAP S/4HANA, preferably in the ...
moreMVW Lechtenberg Projektentwicklungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
2Groundbreaking Plastic Waste Management Project Launching in Saudi Arabia
moreGerman Environmental Protection Sector Records Impressive Growth
Berlin (ots) - Germany’s Federal Statistical Office says that 2022 turnover in goods and services in the sector reached 107.5 billion euros – an annual increase of 16.9 percent. Environmental protection is big business in Europe’s largest economy. And it’s grower bigger by the year, as the government figures show. The largest share of the nearly 108 billion euros of turnover in the sector came in climate ...
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PM: Social Media Shopping auf dem Vormarsch: DHL gibt Einblicke in neuste Trends im E-Commerce / PR: Bracing for the social media shopping phenomenon: DHL on the latest trends in e-commerce
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AbTF Expands to India Through Regenerative Cotton Standard
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GEA takes strides towards eco-friendly manufacturing at its sites in India
2 Documentsmore Nexans expands its ENERGYFLEX range of cables for solar installations with a new version offering unrivalled fire performance
more39 European cleantech innovators, investors, industry associations, researchers and NGOs call for expanding EIB guarantees to unlock EU industrial competitiveness
39 European cleantech innovators, investors, industry associations, researchers and NGOs call for expanding EIB guarantees to unlock EU industrial ...
One documentmoreRegistrations now open for conference gathering global voices on the future of the planet
moreLesaffre reinforces its presence in savory ingredients market by acquiring dsm-firmenich's yeast extract business
Lille, France (ots/PRNewswire) - Lesaffre, an independent key global player in fermentation and microorganisms, announces today the signing of a transaction with dsm-firmenich, a leading innovator in nutrition, health and beauty, regarding its yeast extract business. Lesaffre and dsm-firmenich have reached agreement ...