04.03.2024 – 13:53GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft5New drive technology, new business philosophy, new intelligence: GEA’s separator innovations enhance dairy production efficiencyVisit GEA's press websiteOne documentmore
01.03.2024 – 14:00DHL Group2PM: DHL eröffnet neues internationales Logistikzentrum in Posen, Polen / PR: DHL opens new International Logistics Center in Poznan, Poland2 Documentsmore
01.03.2024 – 08:01Aid by Trade Foundation7International Women’s Day, 8 March: Cotton made in Africa Supports Women’s Rights and IndependenceMore Information About CmiA Women ProjectsOne documentmore
27.02.2024 – 11:00DHL GroupPM: DHL erneuert Partnerschaft mit Formel 1® und verdoppelt mit Biokraftstoff betriebene Lkw-Flotte / PR: DHL renews partnership with Formula 1® and doubles biofuel-powered truck fleetOne documentmore
27.02.2024 – 09:31GEA Group AktiengesellschaftGEA boosts sustainable production: Green stainless steel supplied by Klöckner & Co to be used at first siteVisit GEA's press websiteOne documentmore
16.02.2024 – 10:47Aurubis AG3Press release / Aurubis: Multimetal provider underscores strategic growth path at Annual General MeetingOne documentmore
14.02.2024 – 11:03GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft3GEA invests EUR 18 million in technology center for alternative proteins in the USAGEA Feature "Technology for alternative protein production"One documentmore
13.02.2024 – 10:14Aurubis AGPresse release / Aurubis and Codelco drive innovation for sustainability in the copper industry: Working together for more metals from responsible productionOne documentmore
12.02.2024 – 16:00Aid by Trade Foundation8Avon and Cotton made in Africa Announce PartnershipFind out more about CmiA's approach to gender equalityOne documentmore
08.02.2024 – 10:00DHL Group2PM: DHL Group mit Wasserstoff-LKWs im Rheinland unterwegs / PR: DHL Group deploying hydrogen trucks in Germany2 Documentsmore
06.02.2024 – 14:10DHL Group2PM: Spatenstich für neue DHL Global Forwarding Luftfrachthalle in der CargoCity Süd am Flughafen Frankfurt / PR: Groundbreaking for new DHL Global Forwarding air freight center at Frankfurt Airport2 Documentsmore
05.02.2024 – 17:44DHL GroupPM: DHL Supply Chain und Aramco starten ASMO / PR: DHL Supply Chain and Aramco launch ASMOmore
01.02.2024 – 09:00RSD Reise Service Deutschland GmbH2RSD Travel Ltd. travel group awarded as TOP travel agency / Experts recognise the company's exceptional tourism and economic performancemore
31.01.2024 – 10:09DHL Group2PM: DHL kooperiert mit Schneider Electric bei Transportlösung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Agilität / PR: DHL partners with Schneider Electric to launch new shipping model for improved sustainability and agility2 Documentsmore
29.01.2024 – 10:40Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und Autoteile GmbHRameder Group / Rameder strengthens its position as European market leader through expansion into Southern Europemore
25.01.2024 – 15:00Koehler GroupDecarbonization of coal-fired power plant: Minister Thekla Walker (from the Alliance 90/The Greens party) catches up on the progress being made by the Koehler Group on its construction projectsmore
24.01.2024 – 10:01DHL GroupPM: Akquisition genehmigt: DHL Global Forwarding schließt Übernahme von Danzas AEI Emirates ab / PR: Acquisition approved: DHL Global Forwarding completes acquisition of Danzas AEI Emirates2 Documentsmore
23.01.2024 – 15:33hubergroup Deutschland GmbH7Press Release - hubergroup Chemicals presents its portfolio at PaintIndiaMore about hubergroup ChemicalsOne documentmore
21.12.2023 – 11:33YanfengYanfeng and TactoTek partner to enhance future vehicle interior applications / Yanfeng expands portfolio for advanced lighting solutionsmore
19.12.2023 – 11:00Koehler GroupRevenue Growth against a Backdrop of Massively Higher Energy and Raw Material Costsmore
12.12.2023 – 12:00DHL GroupPM: UNIDO und DHL Group bündeln Kräfte im Kampf gegen Lebensmittelabfälle und Klimaauswirkungen / PR: UNIDO and DHL Group join forces to tackle food waste and climate impactmore
12.12.2023 – 09:17STADA Arzneimittel AG3Press release: STADA further improves Sustainability ranking; rates among top 6% of pharma players globallyOne documentmore
05.12.2023 – 10:34Aid by Trade Foundation4PR | For World Soil Day on 5 December, Cotton made in Africa Presents New Guidelines for Evaluating Soil QualityRead more about Cotton made in Africa and healthy soil2 Documentsmore
04.12.2023 – 14:01DHL Group2PM: DHL Express kündigt Veränderungen in der Führung in Europa und der Region Americas an / PR: DHL Express announces changes in leadership in Europe and the Americasmore
27.11.2023 – 12:00DHL Group3PM: DHL beendet die Formula 1®-Saison 2023 mit der Verleihung der Preise für die schnellste Runde und den schnellsten Boxenstopp / PR: DHL concludes the 2023 Formula 1® season by presenting the awards for the fastest lap and pit stopmore
16.11.2023 – 13:00DHL GroupPM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge unter den Top drei der weltbesten Arbeitgeber / PR: DHL Express voted among the top three World's Best Workplaces™ for the fourth year runningmore
14.11.2023 – 10:30DHL Group4PM: DHL Express eröffnet neues, erweitertes globales Drehkreuz in Hongkong und positioniert sich damit für die Erholung des Welthandels / PR: DHL Express opens newly expanded global hub in Hong Kong, firmly positions itself for global trade recoverymore
10.11.2023 – 12:02DHL GroupPM: Spatenstich in Berlin-Marienfelde: DHL Freight plant nachhaltiges Terminal an der Buckower Chaussee / PR: Ground-breaking ceremony in Berlin: DHL Freight plans sustainable terminal near the inner city2 Documentsmore
10.11.2023 – 10:46DEKRA SEDEKRA at the United Nations' annual climate change conference / DEKRA Strongly Supports COP28's Energy Transition Pledgemore
06.11.2023 – 07:00Aid by Trade Foundation5PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton StandardClick here for more informationOne documentmore