Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Resilience in COVID-19 times: People in Portugal and Germany see themselves well prepared in comparison to other EU countries
Berlin (ots)
- Vodafone Institute poll "Digitising Europe Pulse" across 13 EU member states
- People across Europe feel that they are well equipped digitally at home to meet current challenges. Best scores in Germany and Portugal
- The majority of EU citizens consider measures of the Federal Government on COVID-19 to be effective.
- Most Europeans think that the COVID-19 crisis will have a limiting effect on their quality of life in the long term.
- Especially video calls and collaboration tools are considered to be most helpful
- Broad European openness for COVID-19-Apps that giving alarm after potential contact with infected people. Lowest approval in Germany
In order to meet the challenges with COVID-19, the majority of Europeans feel they are technically well equipped. 78 % rather/fully agree with the statement that they are sufficiently equipped for self-isolation and have the necessary infrastructure, a new survey of the Vodafone Institute, the European think-tank of the Vodafone Group, has revealed. Portugal (87%) and Germany (86%) occupy the first places. Greece (71%) and Poland (65%) rank last.
Inger Paus, Managing Director of the Vodafone Institute, said:"The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges on people. We need to understand how European citizens have perceived and managed the sometimes very drastic measures taken by national governments. Obviously, a majority sees them as necessary and effective at the national level. It is also pleasing that most Europeans seem to have access to a digital infrastructure that helps them to cope successfully with everyday life even in times of isolation."
Video conferences and digital collaborative applications are regarded as the most useful tools by Europeans during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the enthusiasm for digital tools, there are big differences regarding the acceptance of corona apps for contact tracing between EU-countries: While 78% of respondents in Portugal, Spain and Ireland would use these apps, only 53% in Germany are open to this option. In an EU comparison, this is the least popular option.
Significant differences in the assessment of national crisis management
More than two-thirds of Europeans attest their national government effective COVID-19 crisis management. On a scale from 1 ("Not effective at all") to 10 ("Highly effective"), 70% chose a score of 6 or higher, 36 % even a score of 8 or higher. In contrast, only 46% of Europeans assess measures on EU level as effectively. But there are remarkable differences between the individual countries: In particular, citizens in Greece and Ireland give their governments good ratings (7,4 each). Respondents in France and Spain are least satisfied with the COVID-19 crisis management of their national governments (4,9 each).
About half of the respondents agree that the inter-European cooperation during COVID-19 has strengthened the cohesion among Europeans. People in Portugal are particularly confident about this (69 % agree with this statement), scepticism prevails in Estonia (28 %).
Nearly every fifth European states to be on short-time work. In this respect, Portugal (30%) has the highest rate, Estonia (7 %) the lowest.
Long-term impact on quality of life
A majority of interviewed Europeans thinks that the COVID-19 crisis will have a limiting effect on their quality of life in the long term. Especially people in southern Europe like Greece (85 %), Italy (83 %), Spain (81 %) and Portugal (80 %), agree with this statement.In Germany and the Netherlands, it is "only" 50 % respectively 49 %.
The results are part of the "Digitising Europe Pulse 2020: Challenges in Times of Covid-19", which will be released in the upcoming weeks. The survey was conducted by Kantar. For this purpose, 13.000 people were interviewed via online-survey.
Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications
The Institute is Vodafone's think-tank. We explore the potential and responsible use of digital technologies for innovation, growth and sustainable social impact. Through research and events, we provide thought leadership and offer a platform for dialogue between business, academia and politics.
We are committed to improving access to technology for all parts of society, developing and supporting projects on the ground for female empowerment and digital education. The wide-ranging expertise of the Advisory Board members reflects the Institute's intention to act as a cross-sectoral platform.
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