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Expert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry

Expert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry
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Expert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry

Thorsten Rixmann, Chief Marketing Officer of the Obrist Group: “Politicians should lay the foundations for a new generation of Hyperhybrids: drive electric, refuel at the pump.”

Lindau/Germany, Lustenau/Austria – January 16 2025 – Thorsten Rixmann, Chief Marketing Officer of the German-Austrian Obrist Group, believes that political strategies for securing the future of the domestic automotive industry should take center stage in policy discussions. He points out that in Germany alone around two million employees, or around seven per cent of all jobs subject to social security contributions, are dependent on the ups and downs of the car manufacturers. "You also have to take into account the large number of indirect jobs related to the automotive industry, such as the steel industry, mechanical engineering and services," said Rixmann.

The marketing expert therefore advises Europeans not to rely solely on battery electric cars à la Tesla. Manufacturers would be well advised to focus on the types of drive that customers want," he recommends. Given Tesla's declining global delivery figures and the parallel surge in demand for electric cars with range extenders, especially in China, the trend is clear: "Customers want to drive with an electric motor, but without range anxiety and with the option of refueling at any filling station.”

Thorsten Rixmann is talking about a new generation of "serial drives" that his employer, the Obrist Group, is offering in series production under the name "Hyperhybrid". The car is powered solely by an electric motor and the electricity is generated by a compact combustion engine instead of the huge battery blocks used in pure battery electric vehicles.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) recognized Hyperhybrid technology as a winner in the field of sustainable mobility as early as 2023, and included it in its 2024 report on "the world's key concepts for clean and smart energy as a basis for inclusive and sustainable industrial development".

"The European governments should collaborate closely to establish a long-term framework for the new generation of Hyperhybrid electric cars, ensuring the preservation of the European automotive industry and the jobs it supports," recommended Thorsten Rixmann.

Obrist Group: The Obrist Group, founded by inventor and entrepreneur Frank Obrist, focuses on innovations for global, sustainable and CO2-reducing energy concepts. The spectrum ranges from the global supply of renewable energies to atmospheric fuels (aFuels) and innovative CO2-negative (i.e. climate-positive!) drive concepts for the automotive industry. With around 380 key patents, the Obrist Group is one of the world's most important innovators in the field of sustainable energy concepts.

Further information:

Press Contact: Thorsten Rixmann, Chief Marketing Officer,
phone +43 660 5642275, email:
Press Agency: euromarcom public relations,

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