ots Ad hoc-Service: Bechtle AG <DE0005158703> Bechtle adds to its Board
Heilbronn (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Gaildorf (Bechtle). With the appointment of Dr. Rainer Eggensperger, an acknowledged IT expert, Bechtle AG has increased the size of its board. Dr. Eggensperger takes on the duties of CTO, and is responsible for the Solutions and Services divisions, plus the new business areas. "With this new addition to the Board of Directors, we are once again providing a clear signal for our course of growth and are certain that the appointment of Dr. Eggensperger and the enhancement to our level of expertise will give Bechtle yet another boost in performance," commented the Chairman and CEO of Bechtle AG, Gerhard Schick.
Dr. Rainer Eggensperger joins the company after being with Bosch since 1991, where he was responsible for global IT operations in his capacity as CIO. With a doctorate in computer sciences, Dr. Eggensperger co- ordinated the meging of all European IT organisations within Bosch to create a single internal services division employing a staff of some 1,700, which he represented on the board. He had previously been employed by Daimler-Benz, where, after various positions in IT, he was appointed head of Organisation and Data Processing in the Car Division.
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Original-Content von: Bechtle AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell