EUROFORUM Deutschland GmbH

Competitive Gaming Conference "CGC Europe" on 19 June 2015 at Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt

17.04.2015 – 17:05

Düsseldorf/Frankfurt (ots)

Frankfurt/Düsseldorf, 15.04.15 In an age of global networks, gaming tournaments are becoming increasingly popular. Young male adults, in particular, cheer on their idols playing videogames in football stadiums. With a reach of millions of people, eSports is on a good way to become one of the biggest spectator sports. The exploding viewer numbers are an interesting target group for consumer brands. Intel, Coke Zero or American Express have thus already invested in this fast-growing market. eSports is admittedly still largely unknown to many companies, yet it displays many parallels with traditional sports such as football or basketball, which makes understanding the eSports ecosystem easier. The Competitive Gaming Conference "CGC Europe" is the ideal meeting place for decision-makers at a variety of levels who want to learn about eSports and directly network with those in the sector. The target group for the conference is extremely varied because it makes sense for many different industries to consider getting involved in eSports: representatives from the gaming industry, brand managers for lifestyle products, business developers for events, event managers at venues and advertising and marketing agencies. There is no lack of high-quality speakers from a variety of different sectors at the first European eSport Business Conference. Ralf Reichert, CEO ESL, David Yarnton, Director Gfinity, Peter Warman, CEO Newzoo or Gleb Alyokhin, Marketing Director Natus Vincere, from the eSports sector have already been confirmed. Some insight into the world of traditional sports will be provided by Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, Sport University Cologne, while the former Bundesliga player Michael Schulz will participate in a panel discussion. Success stories and alternative perspectives from other sectors will be provided by, amongst others, Niels Thornberg, Verlag Aller Media and Sven Ivo Brink, mybet. The agenda focuses on four main topics: Generation eSports - an analysis of the target group; Marketing channel eSports - a new way to reach young adults; eSports meets football - parallels between gaming and traditional sports sponsoring; and New business opportunities in eSports - identifying new business models. These topical main themes will be debated at CGC Europe and their importance underlined by success stories and presentations. The Competitive Gaming Conference "CGC Europe" is being held one day before the eSports Event ESL One on 19 June 2015 in one of the largest stadiums in Germany: Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt. Further information is available at:


Philipp Schiwek
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