Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Marke
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- 2 Dokumentemehr
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
7Leipzig – Home of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989
Ein DokumentmehrPress release: EcoVadis ranks Aurubis among the top one percent in its sector again
Ein DokumentmehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Architect Daniel Libeskind awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma
Press release, 17/10/2023 Architect Daniel Libeskind awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma Lock-up period: Wednesday, October 18th, 4 p. m. The American architect Daniel Libeskind will be awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma on October 18, 2023, in ...
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GEA helps breweries to harness sustainability KPIs through AI
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PM: DHL erwirbt alle verbleibenden Anteile an Danzas AEI Emirates um seine Position als führender Logistikanbieter in den GCC-Märkten weiter zu stärken / PR: DHL to acquire all remaining shares in Danzas AEI Emirates to further strengthen its positio
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CmiA Remote Sensing Project for African Cotton
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Press release: Aurubis continues to expand its pioneering role in certified metal production through the Copper Mark
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PM: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95 Prozent der Online-Kunden brechen Kauf ab, wenn die Zustelloption nicht passt / PR: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95% of online shoppers abandon a purchase if their preferred delivery option is not available
2 Dokumentemehr Terre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
Celebratory launch with children worldwide: United Nations officially recognise children's right to a healthy environment
Geneva, Switzerland (ots) - Today, children across the world will come together to mark the launch of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s guidance which, for the first time, recognises children’s right to a clean, healthy and ...
Ein DokumentmehrA Pillar of the Koehler Group for 25 Years: Koehler Paper Site in Greiz, Thuringia That Produces High-Quality Recycled Paper Celebrates Its Success Story
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
2 Dokumentemehr
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
9Water Activities in the Leipzig New Lakeland Area
Ein DokumentmehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
“It is our duty and responsibility to remember“ / European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma 2023
2 DokumentemehrLAMILUX Composites Establishment of the new division "Business Unit Building and Construction"
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Press Release: Aurubis subsidiary RETORTE expanding selenium production for profitable growth markets
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL unternimmt nächste Schritte in der grünen Logistik für die Formel 1® mit Einführung einer ersten Lkw-Flotte, die durch Biokraftstoff den CO2-Fußabdruck reduziert / PR: DHL takes green logistics to the next level with Formula 1® launching a
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PM: DHL Supply Chain Global im Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ für Third-Party-Logistics als weltweit führend eingestuft / PR: DHL Supply Chain Global a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide
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Holidays in Egypt all the rage
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Global Forwarding setzt auf Eisenbahnnetz der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate als zentrales Transportmittel / PR: DHL Global Forwarding to utilize the UAE National Rail Network as one of its primary modes of transportation for its operations
2 DokumentemehrMERA25 makes history today in Bremen
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PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi
2 Dokumentemehr PM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product
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The Chemical and Plastics Industry Will Need to Replace 1 Gt of Fossil Carbon per Year with Renewable Carbon from Biomass, CO₂ and Recycling to Reach Net-Zero by 2050
Ein Dokumentmehr
PM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation
2 DokumentemehrPM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe
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PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g
2 Dokumentemehr Milestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway
Ein DokumentmehrPress release: STADA and Xbrane launch ranibizumab to support patient access in Europe
STADA and Xbrane launch ranibizumab to support patient access in Europe - Ranibizumab biosimilar is being launched in major European markets - Ranibizumab is the first product brought to market through a strategic collaboration between STADA and Xbrane, marking Xbrane’s first commercial launch and ...
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Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability Report
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