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132 Treffer
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Instone Group achieves all full year targets; demand expected to pick up significantly in 2025
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PM: DHL eCommerce eröffnet hochmodernes Paketzentrum in Großbritannien zur Unterstützung des Wachstums im Onlinehandel / PR: DHL eCommerce opens state-of-the-art parcel hub in UK to support growth of online businesses
2 Dokumentemehr PM: DHL eCommerce expandiert nach Saudi-Arabien durch Beteiligung an Paketlogistiker AJEX / PR: DHL eCommerce enters Saudi Arabian market by acquiring equity stake in parcel logistics company AJEX
2 DokumentemehrPM: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding zeigt Wege zur Schaffung resilienter globaler Lieferketten / PR: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding shows new ways to build resilient global supply chains
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PM: DHL Freight feiert Eröffnung seines neuen Logistik-Terminals in Berlin City / PR: DHL Freight officially inaugurates its new logistics terminal in Berlin
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Event Highlights Leipzig 2025
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PM: DHL eCommerce und CTT Expresso bündeln ihre Kräfte, um führende Paketnetze für Iberische Halbinsel zu schaffen / PR: DHL eCommerce and CTT Expresso join forces to create leading parcel networks for Iberia
2 Dokumentemehr Press Release: 4D_Additive Software Update with new Functionalities for SLM Metal Printing
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Press release: Aurubis inaugurates new recycling plant in Olen to recover more valuable metals
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PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland
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GEA centrifuges fit for the latest Rockwell Automation technology
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PR AbTF: Cotton made in Africa Supports the Development of West African Textile Production in Benin
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Express Leitfaden unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) bei globaler Expansion / PR: DHL Express report provides guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on expanding to global markets
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PM: Was treibt social, sustainable und cross-border Shopper an / PR: What drives social, sustainable, and cross-border shoppers
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Press release: Aurubis and COFICAB renew multi-year contract and strengthen partnership for sustainability in the automotive supply chain
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL unterstützt Alexion bei nachhaltigem Transport von Pharmaprodukten in Irland und Europa / PR: DHL focuses on sustainable transportation of pharmaceutical products for Alexion in Ireland and Europe
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Press release: Aurubis celebrates ribbon-cutting at the first multimetal recycling plant in the United States
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PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions
2 Dokumentemehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Leipzig’s Festival of Lights Commemorates 35 Years of Peaceful Revolution
2 DokumentemehrPM: DHL Express fliegt Chocolat, einen Schimpansen mit Behinderung, in ein schönes neues Zuhause in der Monkey World / PR: DHL Express flies Chocolat, the disabled chimp, to a sweet new home at Monkey World
2 DokumentemehrH1 2024 results: RENK Group AG continues successful business development with record figures – more precisely defined financial guidance at upper end of the forecast range
H1 2024 results: RENK Group AG continues successful business development with record figures – more precisely defined financial guidance at upper end of the forecast range - H1 revenue increase to € 510 million (H1 2023: € 410 million) – ...
2 DokumentemehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Press Information: 80th anniversary on 2 August 2024 - European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti
80th anniversary on 2 August 2024 European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti The children, ill and elderly people had no chance of survival: On the night of 2 August 1944, 4,300 Roma and Sinti were forced into the gas chambers and murdered by ...
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Frankfurt Airport: More Security Checkpoints Equipped with CT Scanners and New Lane Concept
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PM: Neues Postgesetz schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht weiterhin die flächendeckende Postversorgung – hat aber auch Schwächen / PR: New postal law creates clarity and ensures the continuation of nationwide postal services – but also reveals weaknesses
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PM: Social Media Shopping auf dem Vormarsch: DHL gibt Einblicke in neuste Trends im E-Commerce / PR: Bracing for the social media shopping phenomenon: DHL on the latest trends in e-commerce
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GEA takes strides towards eco-friendly manufacturing at its sites in India
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PR | CmiA Joins WTO and FIFA in Supporting African Cotton Through Football
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Global Forwarding mit Führungswechseln in Europa / PR: DHL Global Forwarding announces leadership changes in Europe
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PM: Studie vor der Europawahl: 14 EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter den 20 globalisiertesten Ländern der Welt / PR: Ahead of the European elections: 14 EU member states rank among the 20 most globalized countries worldwide
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